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        一覽提醒您:招聘方向求職者收取任何費用(如體檢費、押金、培訓(xùn)費、淘寶刷單、刷信譽等)都可能涉嫌詐騙,一經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)請?zhí)岣呔璨⒘⒓?/p> 舉報

        您當前所在的位置: 一覽·電力> 通用電氣(上海..> Quality Assur..
        Quality Assurance Manager項目質(zhì)量經(jīng)理
        • 學(xué)歷要求: 不限
        • 工作經(jīng)驗: 不限
        • 更新時間: 2021-11-25
        • 招聘人數(shù): 若干
        • 招聘對象: 社會人才
        • 工作地區(qū): 北京-朝陽區(qū)
        • 專業(yè)要求: 機械工程類;
        高小姐 HR 三個月前活躍

        Responsible for managing all aspects of quality assurance for their assigned Alstom project (from tendering through delivery).
        Review customer documentation (if product requirements are customer-driven);
        Work with Engineering / R&D to develop product quality requirements (including any external code, customer, and industry requirements);
        Serve as the point of contact for any external groups regarding unit’s quality;
        Audit any processes (including: production, quality, product management, supplier functions) to assure that deliverables meet the product expectations/ requirements. Document the results;
        Track the CoPQ for the unit;
        Review all unit quality-related documents (including: NCRs, QC/ manufacturing reports and procedures, required supplier deliverables, engineering drawings and specifications);
        Provide guidance to the Alstom Quality Control Managers of the unit;
        Perform and document random, periodic inspections of product;
        Review any customer and industry feedback to improve quality of Alstom deliverables;
        Aid in identifying and implementing improvements to products, processes, and procedures using CARs, PARs, and/or the Lessons Learned database;
        Generate corrective action documents for deficient processes, neglected procedures, or failures in system controls;
        Use problem solving methods to correct and eliminate reoccurrences of production issues detected by QC processes.

        Bachelor degree;
        Strong verbal and written communication skills;
        Strong amount of knowledge on industrial manufacturing procedures;
        Knowledge of quality assurance methods/procedures;
        Certified ISO 9000 Auditor;
        Six Sigma Green Belt;
        Certified Code or Welding Inspector (i.e. AI, CWI, EWC, or equiv.);
        Able to interpret common NDE **** results (including Radiography film);
        Special Regional Requirement for India: This position requires an engineering diploma.
        Minimum of five (5) years of professional quality assurance or quality control experience in (Alstom product similar) manufacturing or construction industry;
        Good understanding of quality assurance methods and tools (including knowledge of inspection and **** planning tools, as well as problem-solving tools);
        Strong-level of understanding/reading engineering-drawings and P&IDs;
        Experience reviewing quality documentation and auditing quality programs.

        職位類別: 品質(zhì)經(jīng)理/主管(QA/QC經(jīng)理/主管)

        • 相似職位
        • 公司規(guī)模:1000人以上
        • 公司性質(zhì):外商獨資
        • 所屬行業(yè):電力環(huán)保類
        • 所在地區(qū):北京-朝陽區(qū)
        • 聯(lián)系人:高小姐
        • 手機:
        • 郵箱:會員登錄后才可查看
        • 郵政編碼:100027
        • 地址:三里屯西六街6號乾坤大廈
        loading 上傳中

        粵公網(wǎng)安備 44030502004561號

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